Hello friends, How is going on? Hope everyone is fine. This days I am fascinated with PHP, but still I missed my VB6 and .NET experience as those have a built in debug system. And you know debugging is one of the best way to confirm about what is happening by your code. So I…
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Change apache document root (www folder) in Fedora
Hello everybody! Today I tried to install apache on Fedora 18. I need to change the root directory to ease me editing file and avoiding permission. It is quite different when I was configuring on ubuntu. Also I did this when I first using Fedora(Fedora 18 is my first fedora flavour), but being lazy I…
How to : Install VLC on Fedora 18
Hi friends, This is one post for my-self to install vlc software after a fresh fedora 18 os install. Its just a reference blog. Step1: sudo yum localinstall –nogpgcheck http://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-18.noarch.rpm http://download1.rpmfusion.org/nonfree/fedora/rpmfusion-nonfree-release-18.noarch.rpm Step2: yum install vlc -y Some of new-bee could get help from this post. Enjoy!!
Apache/httpd start issue in Fedora 18
Hi folks, After lost my laptop I bought a Samsung laptop and install fedora 18. But each time whenever I saw a wearied behavior of service httpd. Some time it start and some time its not. As a new bee of Linux I searched a lot and found a match of my problem. My problem…