Posts Tagged

how to

How to : Create basic WordPress child theme

Hello there! Today, I am here to share a basic thing of WordPress theme. We all know about the WordPress theme. Its a great way to design your WordPress powered website. But there is always some little things you need to change like colors, fonts style/size or move a button somewhere else. You can change…

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How to : Upgrade Fedora 18 to 19 Using FedUp Tool

Hello buddies, Recently Fedora release its new version 19 which code name is ‘Schrödinger’s Cat‘. Generally I am always using updated version but this time I waited long because every-time I install upgrade OS I need to install all my tools again which needs almost 2/3 days. As this days I was very busy with…

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How to : Install VLC on Fedora 18

Hi friends, This is one post for my-self to install vlc software after a fresh fedora 18 os install. Its just a reference blog. Step1: sudo yum localinstall –nogpgcheck Step2: yum install vlc -y Some of new-bee could get help from this post. Enjoy!!