Installing Zend framework with PHPUnit test (Kick Start)

Today i am exploring heavily in linux and deeply fall in love with this OS, and believe command line is friend.

well so this is how i install ZF and PHPUnit test,
sudo apt-get install zend-framework

to confirm about installation with version check,

zf show version

it will show the current version of zf. now we need to install the PHPUnit test to run zf command without any error,

sudo apt-get install phpunit
sudo pear upgrade pear
sudo pear channel-discover
sudo pear channel-discover
sudo pear channel-discover
sudo pear install –alldeps phpunit/PHPUnit verify that phpunit is works!

phpunit –version

it will show the current phpunit version. so now we are ready to create project.

cd /var/www/

Create the test project called geeksite.
zf create project myzftest
cd myzftest/library/

sudo ln -s /usr/share/php/libzend-framework-php/Zend/

now its ready with all the necessary files and folders. pointing my browser to http://localhost/myzftest/public/ to get my zend page. 🙂

its so easy to do this all in linux. just loving it.



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