Hello, my friends! It’s been a long since COVID started, I didn’t post anything at all. There were many ups and downs in my life. Apart from the downs, one of the ups is, I became the father of a cute son. His name is Arush (means, the first ray of Sun. And I hope…
Hello after a long break!!!
Hi everybody, Hows going one? Hope everything is fine. Its been a long time (more than a year) I am out of writing my blog. Well from now on I will be regular to my blog. By the way, in this time I learned a lot of things and I will try to share my…
How to : Solve Bangla Font problem in google chrome
Hello everyone, Last couple of days I am facing bangla font problem in my google chrome browser, it was fine before last update. This is very annoying. I searched a lot and found the below solution which fix my problem. I am writing this as if anyone facing same problem can fix it. First you…
Magento : How to remove/disable state/province option from billing and shipping details
Hello to all. Hope everybody is fine. Today I faced a problem that is in our store (www.stylebdonline.com) we dont need the state/province option in billing and shipping option, as we planned this store for Banlgadesh primarily. First I thought about hide the input from template/persistent/checkout/onepage/billing.phtml but after searching I found that the validation will…
How to : Export/Import GPG key
Hi there, Today I made a clean install of Fedora 18 in my laptop. Previously I used Ubuntu 12.10, there I used a GPG key and I dont wanna make new one. So before install Fedora 18 I export my key pair (public and secret). To export key pair you need to do the followings,…
Update linux kernel 3.7.1 in Ubuntu and Mint (Softway)
Linux Kernel 3.7.1 is the first maintenance release for the Kernel 3.7 series that has been made available recently for Ubuntu/Linux Mint systems. In this tutorial, we will see as usual how to upgrade to this new kernel using a simple bash script. Here are some of the changes and fixes in kernel 3.7.1 taken…
Remove folder/file from GIT not from disc
Hi friends, Today I faced a complex problem with my Bitbucket with GIT. As I am new to GIT, I am doing a lot of mistake and try to learn from the mistake. 🙂 Let me describe my scenario. I made a repo in Bitbucket and push my local repo there. It was nice but…
Extract Text From PDFs (Including Scan Copy) – Ubuntu way
To extract all text from PDFs (including text in images/Scan copy), we can use a combination of Ghostscript and a command line OCR tool called tesseract-ocr. First we need to convert our PDF to individual image files (TIFF) so we can then OCR-scan them again. We need Ghostscript for that. It’s probably already installed on…
About eclipse startup error in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
After re-install Ubuntu 12.04 some-days ago it seems net and clean OS to me. When I first time using Ubuntu for long 6/7 months it was full of my errors of install software or mis-configure some issues. But this time I am aware of that so I feel comfortable with this and not mess-up anything….
Format USB drive from linux command line
Everyday I am growing up with linux (Ubuntu). there is a lot of issues I need to know, but if I read this continuously then it will gone in vain. Better I run like when I need anything I find that and archive that in my blog for future reference. Like after almost 8 months…
Enable php cURL in Ubuntu
When i used Windows enable cURL was little bit tricky, but its so simple in Linux. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS now a days, and when i need cURL enable in my system I run the following command in my Terminal and restart Apache. sudo apt-get install php5-curl to restart apache, sudo service apache2…
Configure Symfony 2 over Ubuntu
Tomorrow Hasan vai arranged code-jamming over Symfony 2, I am too much exited about it. Today I tried to have a look on Symfony 2. After download Symfony Standard 2.0.16 and extract in www folder, I need to check the localhost/Symfony/web/config.php first and found I have 2 major issues like SQlite and Date/Time configuration. Also…