

Hello after a long break!!!

Hi everybody, Hows going one? Hope everything is fine. Its been a long time (more than a year) I am out of writing my blog. Well from now on I will be regular to my blog. By the way, in this time I learned a lot of things and I will try to share my…

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Magento : How to remove/disable state/province option from billing and shipping details

Hello to all. Hope everybody is fine. Today I faced a problem that is in our store ( we dont need the state/province option in billing and shipping option, as we planned this store for Banlgadesh primarily. First I thought about hide the input from template/persistent/checkout/onepage/billing.phtml but after searching I found that the validation will…

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How to : Export/Import GPG key

Hi there, Today I made a clean install of Fedora 18 in my laptop. Previously I used Ubuntu 12.10, there I used a GPG key and I dont wanna make new one. So before install Fedora 18 I export my key pair (public and secret). To export key pair you need to do the followings,…

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Extract Text From PDFs (Including Scan Copy) – Ubuntu way

To extract all text from PDFs (including text in images/Scan copy), we can use a combination of Ghostscript and a command line OCR tool called tesseract-ocr. First we need to convert our PDF to individual image files (TIFF) so we can then OCR-scan them again. We need Ghostscript for that. It’s probably already installed on…

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About eclipse startup error in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS

After re-install Ubuntu 12.04 some-days ago it seems net and clean OS to me. When I first time using Ubuntu for long 6/7 months it was full of my errors of install software or mis-configure some issues. But this time I am aware of that so I feel comfortable with this and not mess-up anything….

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Format USB drive from linux command line

Everyday I am growing up with linux (Ubuntu). there is a lot of issues I need to know, but if I read this continuously then it will gone in vain. Better I run like when I need anything I find that and archive that in my blog for future reference. Like after almost 8 months…

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Enable php cURL in Ubuntu

When i used Windows enable cURL was little bit tricky, but its so simple in Linux. I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS now a days, and when i need cURL enable in my system I run the following command in my Terminal and restart Apache. sudo apt-get install php5-curl to restart apache, sudo service apache2…

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Configure Symfony 2 over Ubuntu

Tomorrow Hasan vai arranged code-jamming over Symfony 2, I am too much exited about it. Today I tried to have a look on Symfony 2. After download Symfony Standard 2.0.16 and extract in www folder, I need to check the localhost/Symfony/web/config.php first and found I have 2 major  issues like SQlite and Date/Time configuration. Also…

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