Since the latest version of GIMP has not been included in the main 12.04 repositories because it was not ready at release time you have to use a PPA at current. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:otto-kesselgulasch/gimp sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install gimp TIP: Go to the “Windows” menu and select ‘Single-Window Mode’ to use Gimp in…
Open As Administrator in Right click menu
Here is how to add “Open as Administrator” to the right click menu for Nautilus. Quick and easy to use. Ok then, lets get started by opening the Terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and copy and paste the command below. sudo wget Then simply copy the file to the Nautilus extensions folder. sudo cp /usr/lib/nautilus/extensions-3.0/ now…
Enable NTFS-write by default
First time after install Ubuntu 11.10 i can’t write anything in my NTFS drrives. I searched for this problem and found that i need to follow some simple steps to enable NTFS write by default. First install the ntfs configs using terminal command: sudo apt-get install ntfs-config if apt not work try using aptitude then…
উবুন্তু ১১.১০ তে ইউনিজয় ব্যবহার
গত বছরের শুরু থেকেই উইন্ডোজ ছেড়ে লিনাক্সে আসব আসব করছিলাম, অনেকগুলো ডিস্ট্রো টেস্ট করার পর মাস ছয়েক ডুয়েল বুট এ মিন্ট ১১ আর উইন্ডোজ ৭ ব্যবহার করেছি । ডুয়েল বুট এ থাকার কারনে বেশির ভাগ সময় উইন্ডোজ ৭ এই কাটত । শেষে আবার কিছু ঘাটাঘাটি করে, নিক্সার কমুনিটিতে চোখ বোলাতে বোলাতে বুঝলাম উবুন্তু ই আমার…
Installing Zend framework with PHPUnit test (Kick Start)
Today i am exploring heavily in linux and deeply fall in love with this OS, and believe command line is friend. well so this is how i install ZF and PHPUnit test, sudo apt-get install zend-framework to confirm about installation with version check, zf show version it will show the current version of zf. now…
My first playing with git
After inspired from the speech of Rifat Nabi on DevCon’ 12, today i try to make my first move. first i need to install git so i get it from apt-get command sudo apt-get install git-core then i change my current directory to my desire project root folder. now give the following command, which initiate…
My Wishlist for learning new things in 2011-12
Today is my birthday, but i am not celebrating this year. Today i found myself that i know nothing really. So I decide to learn some new thing for next 1 year. Those are as follows, 1. WordPress Theme Customization. 2. WordPress Plug-in Development. 3. CakePHP 4. Magento 5. Joomla I just make 5…
Upgrading to CodeIgniter 2.0
As soon as I saw the tweet from EllisLab that CodeIgniter 2.0-dev was available on BitBucket I instantly converted ERPOnlineBD to run on it. I got it all working in a few hours after LOTS of headbanging, mouse throwing and blaspheming. All the bugs I found along the way have since been fixed in the…
How to Write Site Map
I am now learn some style of write sitemap with standard.
Just Learn W3C Date and Time Format
Just today i am interested for learning some SEO technique, but for that first i know all information about it. as i dont know anything about this, i search for referance. there i found a lot of information when i feel interesting topic of DATE & TIME FORMAT This is a standard of ISO…
My First Blog
Hi to all the bloggers, I am Tapan Kumer Das. Living in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Completed My BSC on CSE From Dhaka Internation University and now doing my MSc on CSE from North South University. This is my first blog post. From now on I wish I will be continue here. Basically from today I am…