Magento shows 500 Internal Server Error while using backup tools

Hi everybody,

Hope you guys doing well. This days I am using Magento for one of our online store ( This is a great way to learn Magento with challenge. 🙂

Today I think “I must take backup” as everyone suggest to take backup before do any digging. So I go to System>Configure>Tools>Backup and choose Database and Media Backup. It tells me that it will take time. But after a while my browser shows me 500 Internal Server Error. And while I checked with back it shows me the same. Even my frontend also shows me 500 Internal Server Error. I checked and confirm that my domain itself shows me the 500 Internal Server Error with any link.

I searched google and found that it could be file permission changed while taking backup. I checked and found that each file in root of my magento is changed 666. I select all the root files and changed that permission to 644 and bingo my site running ok 🙂

Actually its a little knowledge and you know here I tried to collect my all knowings. Good day buddy…

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